Ok, I guess I have just written a memoir? Or could I say autobiography? Just having completed by husband’s life story. He dictated, I typed. I think the draft is finally complete other than deciding on a cover. Hopefully with all the writing I have done relating to each side of my parent’s family, both sides of my husband’s family and my life story, I have had enough practice at editing. But never say never, there is sure to be something that could have been phrased better and possibly a spelling mistake, I’ll blame the computer’s auto correct lol…

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Thats what I call a power couple! And don't worry, all of us reading will blame the computer's auto correct as well :)

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That is such an important point you made. Many of us are well aware of the stories told and repeated about the famous people you mentioned. They are inspiring but so often repeated. It's important to bring to the page the stories no one has written about yet.

Like you, I am fascinated by true stories. I cannot wait for more of this from you. 😊

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